Translation services at the service of Growth Hacking

(If you have unknown words in the text below, it means that you are probably missing a business opportunity)
Today more than ever before, the focus of digital marketing is on building organic/sustainable growth. This is done by building numerous digital assets that will address the global market. Examples are:
Digital properties, i.e. websites in multiple languages, blogs in multiple languages or directories of several countries in multiple languages
Communities in multiple languages, i.e. Facebook groups
Facebook Messenger interactions (bots or extensions) via NLP and configuring NLP in multiple languages
Additionally to the above, building a global business is very much related to addressing multiple audiences in multiple languages. You never know where the customers will come from. Offering content in their local language will increase conversions and will drive more sales.
Despite the above, addressing a global market creates the need to support your users in all the touch points they will interact with:
• Social Media Management, i.e. comments, replies, crisis management in the user’s local language
• SEO, i.e. long and short-tail keywords to ensure that you will rank not only in your home country but internationally
• Content Marketing, i.e. blogging and distribution of content pieces in various countries.

By our Digital Master Theo Moulos


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